OCEANROAMERS manages the European (BE) IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS non profit organization.
We are headquartered in Egypt's Ain Sokhna, where we are spearheading, marine conservation & sustainable development programs in the Red Sea. And overseeing the development of the MAERC project.
For additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to us, via our contact page.
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Return to the Sudan Red Sea

pre-continent2 J.Y. Cousteau's Precontinent 2 - Vehicle hangar - A historical site

While a return to Sudan was brewing in me since several years, personal constraints, just made it impossible; until Covid19. It not only gave me the time to review my priorities in life, but also my career...

So one day after my 50 th birthday last August, I decided to enforce the plan to return to the shores of Sudan. A country I know well, a country which I have come to love for it's undisturbed nature, it's proud people and the most amazing shorelines and reef formations of the Red Sea. Not forgetting the amazing wildlife, fauna and flora both on and near the shorelines.

This time however with a mission. Applying the GOBLU3 marine resources management plan into real life application. By taking this unique opportunity in Sudan's history and providing my support in the sustainable development of the marine resources of the Red Sea state. A mission which I had previously been entrusted with by the governor of the Red Sea state, just prior to the Arab spring...

After more than a decade of thinking out the goblu3 principles due to the work I was doing on the M.P.A's (Marine Protected Areas) of Sudan way back between 2005; I decided it was time to apply these core principles of sustainability myself in *audacious creative projects. A model of sustainable interaction, between a human capitalist society and natural resources.

Even under the most extreme and adverse climatic conditions as encountered in Sudan, goblu3 principles at work should result in a healthy society living in harmony and respect with the nature they are so dependent on.

So today I finished work on my website, hence this short blog post. Just to let you know ;)

*audacious: I call audacious the fact I am over 50, and way **out of shape.
(**I am however diligently working on that)

First fundraising campaign video #OPREDSEA21

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